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Stephane Garnier

He wants to be the richest in the cemetery!

Super-stingy, you know? But yes, of course! The one who always leaves just before the bill arrives, the one who picks up the tip you have generously left, the one who regularly borrows a book, a DVD just to not buy it. The one who always arrives empty-handed when he is invited. The same one who never returns the invitations... besides, no one knows exactly where he lives!

Super-stingy has only one goal, to die the richest in the cemetery! Day after day, he theorizes, he is the king of savings and the prince of the yellow coin operation... but for him! He exasperates but in the end we pity him... and strangely he is not broke! Normal a woman it will cost him dearly.

Stéphane Garnier deciphers all the tricks of Super-stingy and his friends: his tricks, his quirks, his failings... you will finally know everything!

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